And so the tale begins.... 'Twas_the_Night._._._.
StoryMeezer []
'Twas the night before Christamas
and all through the house
not a creature was stirring
He's making a raquet
Now why is that??
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
(The CAT brushed by them and donated some hair).
The Humans were nestled all snug in their bed,
CAT was HUNGRY and wants to be fed.
CAT []
From the end of the bed there rose such a clatter
Kitty sprang on my toes to tell me what is a matter.
I threw back the covers and
When what did I see,
A fat little Kitty wanting tuna, NOW!!! you see.
allways hungry []
So I gave her some tuna
I gave her some hash.
She ran to the window
And threw up on the sash.
Cat [Who,meOvereat@never~couldn']
Threw up on the sash
Oh what a sight!
heaven forbid, that musn't be right
must be dream, said old Nick with a grin
As he reached the house with the huge big
cat's meow [Visions@ of tuna danced in my head ]